
Password Information

OPENprint software is typically availabe with password encryption scheme, which ties the operation of the critical programs to your printer-server's machine ID and the printer type.

Note, any machine on your network can print to the OPENprint supported printer through the standard UNIX lp or lpr spooling system to the "printer-server" machine (the machine you load the software on, and connect the printer to, or create the main network spool for a ethernet connected printer).

Passwords are available both for a free 15-day trial, as well as for paid, permanent passwords.

Soon, an automated "license" program, included with OPENprint, will automate the issuance of passwords through internet email. In the meantime please use the following methods:

To obtain a new password, fill out and fax the OPENprint Password Fax-Back form, found in the front of the OPENprint User Guide. If not available, in the case of ftp download, a simple fax request will do, however, the following information is required:

  • OPENprint Serial Number (specify "demo" if not provided--you will receive a temporary password only).
  • hostid (Sun), uname -m (IBM AIX), or uname -i (HPUX)
  • Operating system version
  • OPENprint version
  • Printer brand model, and printer ID string, if known.
  • Your name, Company name, address, phone and fax number.

    For a replacement password: Please fax to us, on your company letterhead the following information:

  • The old machine (ID) (hostid or uname) or OPENprint serial number
  • Your new machine ID.
  • A statement that the software and old password has been removed from the OLD host.
  • Your name, Company name, phone and fax number

    Fax to (619) 350 9364 or email to

    Copyright ⌐1997 by ColorSoft Inc. - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED